
    NCC/Scout & Guides

    The Scout Guide Movement is basically the Youth Movement. The program has been designed with amendments for the all-round development of the personality of the youth up to the age of twenty-five. This was also the dream and foresight of Lord Baden Powell, the founding father of the Movement.
    Scouting and Guiding is a voluntary, non-political, secular, non-sectarian, uniformed youth movement. It was founded by Lord Baden Powell in England in 1907 and started in Indian in 1909. This movement was conceptualized in Intra by the founder, who had spent 10 years in this country as an army officer. It is an international organization spread over 155 countries and has a strength of 36 million members. It aims at the development of the personality of its members and trains them to serve the society.
    There are 4 sections of members

    1. Bunny (3-5 years)
    2. Cub-Bulbul (6-10 years)
    3. Scouts/ Guide (11-17 years)
    4. Rover/Ranger (18- 25 years)

    Once a Scout/Guide is always a Scout/guide. Many famous nationalist leaders have worked for the growth of the Movement in the Pre-independent India. There were a number of Scouts/Guides organizations (prominent being the Hindustan Scouts Association, Boy Scout Association, Girl Guide Association). On the 7th November 1950, the ‘Merger’ took place and the BHARAT SCOUTS & GUIDES was formed. Girl Guides Association joined this organization on 15th August 1951.outing is all about building confidence and self esteem learning important life skills,
    The BSG’s awards include:
    Golden Arrow Award: For the Cubs/Bulbuls section
    Rashtrapati Scout/Guide Award: For the Scout/Guide section
    Rashtrapati Rover/Ranger Award: For the Rover/Ranger section
    The BSG’s principles are: Duty to God, Duty to others, and Duty to self.
    The BSG’s aim is to help young people develop their character and become good citizens. The BSG does this by providing opportunities for young people to learn new skills, develop their leadership skills, and work together as a team. The BSG also encourages young people to be responsible and trustworthy.
    In k.v.ongc Dehradun cubs & bulbul and Scout guide activities are conducted as per the schedule given by kvs HQ. There are 7 packs of cubs and 8 packs of bulbul and 3 registered units of Scouts and Guides each in the vidyalaya.
    Every year cubs and bulbul, Scouts and Guides are trained and prepared for Golden arrow,Tritiya sopan, Rajya puruskar and Rashtrapati puruskar. There are 2 cub master 4 flock leaders,8 Scout masters and 5 guide captains who prepares the Cubs bulbul and Scouts and Guides for various testing camps held at regional and national level.